Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


What type of skin is this NK product suitable for?

NK is suitable for all skin types whether dry, oily or combination skin. It will balance the skin’s optimal moisture and treat the adverse effects of dry skin.

What are the special about Age Reverse?

Age Reverse is the latest NK product produced by a research group led by Dr. Siti Hamidah from UTM. Dr. Siti is indeed known as the founder of Naturel Kiss (NK), which is a product based on natural, safe ingredients and using modern technology. Age Reverse is a series of products that use the BeuT – ComplexTM formulation, which uses the best anti-aging ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid, Bee Venom, Tsubaki extract, Roselle extract, and essential oils that are good for the skin. The Age Reverse product has gone through a detailed study involving more than 100 respondents, Lab Tested certification from Bioeconomy Corporation, various SIRIM testing, a notification from the Ministry of Health (MOH), and various ‘Proof of Concept’ testing to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the product.

What is the difference between NK products and skin care out there?

NK products are produced from detailed studies by our research team at UTM. We choose ingredients that are proven to be effective as a result of our own research and from experts around the world. The formulation produced is exclusive and original, not from any other party. The most important features of NK is the effectiveness, safe, and comparable quality of internationally popular branded products.

Can the spots on the face be removed by using NK products?

NK products are enriched with antiaging ingredients that can help accelerate the production of new and healthy cells to replace old cells that have been damaged, including freckles and black spots. However, there is also the problem of black spots due to hyperpigmentation, which is a condition of extreme skin damage that causes skin color changes in some parts. Among the extreme black spot, problems are melasma which is permanent skin damage and is very difficult to remove whether using skin care or laser treatment. However, intensive use of NK products can reduce the color of the black spots.

I use XXX products. Can I wear it alternately with use?

You may not be able to expect optimal results using NK if you mix it with products from other brands. To ensure optimal results, it is recommended to use NK products intensively because each product will add effectiveness to the skin.

My skin is damaged due to using toxic products several times before, and changing products frequently. Can NK treat my skin to be beautiful again?

When the skin has been exposed to toxic substances for a long time, then the skin has become damaged. Pores are also clogged a lot. This causes a relatively long time to restore the condition of the skin. Products based on natural ingredients do take a long time but they are safe and the results are also very satisfying because the skin has been treated. A new layer of skin will grow every 4 weeks, so be patient, and the process will help the new skin grow healthy by using natural and effective ingredients.

Is there a potential to be allergic when using NK products?

The sign of having an allergy is that it occurs throughout the 24 hours after using a product. The allergic effect is the skin becoming red and slightly swollen, but not acne. There are also people who are allergic to natural ingredients but it is very rare, in less than 1%.

How to properly use NK products?

The instructions for using NK products are as follows:

1. Wash our face with Age Reverse Cleanser,

2. Spray Energy Mist, wait until it absorbs properly,

3. Apply Serum (At night)

4. Apply Sunscreen (5 dots of sunscreen) to the entire face,

5. Apply Two-way cake powder. Tips: wait for the sunscreen to absorb into the skin before using TWC, to avoid uneven powder.

Does NK have a Halal certificate?

We are in the process of applying for a Halal certificate. Our principle is to ensure that all ingredients used are halal and do not use animal elements and non-halal ingredients.

Can men use NK products?

Yes, men can also use NK. It suits all skin types.

What are the different criteria for this approval: KKM, SIRIM, LABTESTED. Is Lab Tested the highest level of certification? What is the most noticeable difference between Lab Tested and KKM/SIRIM?

Lab Tested certification is issued by Bioeconomy Corporation for a detailed and accurate study of the safety of the products produced. NK is the first product to receive Lab Tested certification showing that NK products have been highly recognized by the Bioeconomy agency. For Lab Tested certification, only products based on technology and R&D will be accepted for testing. While Note No. from the Ministry of Health (MOH) is mandatory for all product manufacturers to apply. The Ministry of Health does not do testing and only issues Note No. based on the list of ingredients given by the manufacturer. The Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) certification is specific to knowing the effectiveness/safety of the product and it is necessary to send samples to SIRIM.

Is there already a Note. No/certificate from KKM/SIRIM still means the product is still unsafe?

The Ministry of Health will only approve products that use safe ingredients. The producing company will provide a list of materials to the Ministry of Health for the application of Note. No. product manufacturers need to be genuine in listing the ingredients they use. While the SIRIM certificate is an initiative of product manufacturers to do further testing on the effectiveness/safety of their products. The SIRIM certificate is specific and the manufacturer needs to provide a product sample

If it were a Lab Tested, was it definitely safe for all skin types?

Yes, except in isolated cases if a person has an allergic problem to the material used.

Is NK the only skin-care brand that has a Lab Tested certificate?

NK is the first brand of skin care products to receive Lab Tested certification.

Why does my skin feel dry after using Age Reverse?

Age Reverse will not dry out the skin, in fact, it will help treat dry skin problems. Users will experience tight skin after using NK products because it is a reaction to the anti-aging ingredients used, especially Bee venom and Hyaluronic Acid. Don’t worry if your skin feels tight because it means this product is effective. Continue to use NK Age Reverse intensively and consistently.

What scent is used in NK Age-Reverse products?

Age Reverse uses 100% natural scents from essential oils, especially Geranium and Rosewood, to create a floral and woody base scent. It is uniquely blended by the NK team, to ensure no synthetic or toxic fragrance in the product. It contains antioxidants for the skin as well.

I've been using NK products for a week, why haven't I got the expected results?

The skin cycle process involves the production of new skin cells at the very bottom of the epidermis, which will then be removed and replaced the dead skin. This cycle will happen for an average of 4-6 weeks, depending on the age, and the way of life of a person. Teenagers will experience skin cycles between 2-4 weeks. To get satisfactory results, one needs to use NK products intensively and expect to see results after 4 weeks. Dermatologists say users need to wait 3 times for skin cycles to see results (within 3 months), but through studies and reviews that the NK research team did almost 100% of respondents got significant results after 2 weeks.

Is it true that people with sensitive skin can't use ingredients with fragrance/perfume in skincare? Does the NK product have a fragrance? I want to try it but I'm worried it won't work because my skin is dry and sensitive.

For those with sensitive skin, it is necessary to know what causes the allergic reaction because not all allergies are caused by fragrance, and not all sensitive skin can use products containing fragrance. NK Product uses essential oils as fragrance. It should be known that fragrance is a synthetic content that contains aroma ingredients, while essential oils are natural fragrance ingredients. In some cases, people who are allergic to fragrances are also allergic to essential oils. So it is necessary to make sure the skin is allergic to what material. For dry and sensitive skin, usually the cause of the sensitivity is dryness, that is, when the skin is dry, bacteria will easily grow on the keratin surface. So you need to make sure you get enough moisture by using Energy Mist and drinking enough water.

Freckles/Acne/Sensitive Skin

How to know that our freckles are caused by hormones?

Freckles caused by hormones are one of hyperpigmentation. It is usually melasma. It grows only a little, maybe just one but it’s a big size.

Was the laser method/pico-pulse technique safe to use to remove freckles?

The effectiveness of the laser method depends on the type, color, and depth of the freckle. Skin condition is also an important factor. So it is very difficult to say clearly because some people need up to 6 laser sessions to be effective, and each session is expensive. Yes, it is safe if done by a certified specialist, but the effectiveness depends on many factors. Although there are many pico-pulse/laser machines in the market with different specifications may not give the desired results. Some may seek help from beauty salons (cheaper prices), but many beauticians may not know the actual machine specifications and operations, and skin care after laser. So this is an issue in laser treatment. Another issue is that not all hyperpigmentation in Asian skin can be treated with lasers. By reading some dermatologist articles, hyperpigmentation like melasma may get worse if treated using a laser. Therefore, we should carefully make choices and decisions before diagnosis.

Can freckles due to hereditary factors (genetics) be removed?

Indeed, genetic factors can cause freckles. If our mother/family has a lot of freckles, we need to be more careful from the beginning. The best way is to use sunscreen and avoid toxic and low-quality products. Prevention is better than cure. If the skin is already overgrown with freckles, use products that are safe and effective, even if it takes a little longer. Focus on treating the entire facial skin to be more radiant. Bonus if freckles can be completely removed. Inshallah, it can be reduced.

I had a problem with acne on my jawline for half a year that left a scar. Can NK Age-Reverse help me?

InshaAllah it is possible. But you have to be patient because NK Age-Reverse does not use bleaching agents or substances that can corrode and thin the skin. However, the results will be worth it. For faster results and treatment, you can use Cleanser, Energy Mist, Sunscreen, Serum and Two-Way Cake powder.

How can I get rid of melasma on my face?

Melasma is very difficult to remove because it is hyperpigmentation usually caused by hormones. InshaAllah it can reduce the color of melasma but depends on the seriousness of the melasma problem. NK Age-Reverse can prevent new melasma or freckles from growing. But the existing one is a bit difficult if you use skincare.

Are there any examples of synthetic chemicals that are dangerous for the skin / not suitable for sensitive skin?

There are many dangerous substances that are often used in skincare products, including hydroquinone, mercury, triclosan, oxybenzone, phthalates, paraben, formaldehyde, sodium laureth sulfate (SLS), imidazolidinyl urea.

There are also common synthetic materials that will adversely affect the skin especially if one’s skin is sensitive, and if the chemicals are of low quality.

Does the healing process will occur if my skin is already damaged due to mercury and toxic products?

Previously, if you have used a lot of skincare/cosmetic products contaminated with mercury / toxic/comedogenic (pore-clogging) chemicals, there is a possibility of causing skin damage when changing products.

Because toxins prevent skin renewal, but good skincare products can renew skin cells by means of detoxification. However, there are many types of acne with different shapes. This problem cannot be summed up in one clear sentence.


What causes a cleanser to foam?

Usually foaming cleansers because they use sulfate-based ingredients, the most popular being SLS. SLS is effective in the dirt, but at the same time, it can also remove the natural moisture that our skin needs. So it can cause dry skin.

When the skin is dry, it is easy to get irritation or itching like an allergic reaction. There are a lot of bad effects of SLS. At worst, it can damage the eye if it enters the eye. SLS can also cause clogged pores and make acne worse.

Why NK Age-Reverse Cleanser did not has foam?

NK Age-Reverse Cleanser uses Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate (SMCT) which is a natural surfactant produced from coconut. It is the most gentle, luxurious, and effective surfactant. Mild surfactants are less foamy and less irritating to the skin.

Why does not NK Age-Reverse Cleanser use a spray bottle?

After we did a review on the use of spray bottles for NK Age-Reverse Cleanser, now with every purchase of NK Age-Reverse Cleanser you will get a free spray head cover.

Is it necessary to wash our face with NK Age-Reverse Cleanser before using Energy Water Mist?

After using the NK Age-Reverse Cleanser, you can continue using the Energy Water Mist. Before you spray the Energy Water Mist, you don’t need to wash your face with water. But if you have sensitive skin (e.g the skin feels itchy or red after using the cleanser), it is advised to wash your face after using the cleanser, following the Energy Water Mist for the next step.

I am worried that if I only use the cleanser, the freckles won't go away? There is no suitable day & night cream that can remove this freckles. For information, I have been using the NK Age-Reverse Cleanser for 2 weeks and feels that my skin is clean and beautiful

Freckles do take time to reduce. NK Age-Reverse does not have night and day creams because NK Age-Reverse Cleanser and other products are suitable for day and night use. For now, we only have NK Age-Reverse Cleanser, and can be used with Energy Water Mist, Age-Reverse Sunscreen,  Age-Reverse Serum, and Two-Way Cake powder.

To get the effect faster, you can use NK Age-Reverse and Energy Water Mist more often (every time you take ablution).

I like wearing makeup. Can NK Age-Reverse Cleanser effectively wash away the make-up stains?

Yes, can! The nanoformulation in NK Age-Reverse is very effective to remove thick makeup. You can wash your face twice (double cleanse). The first step, directly apply it to the face that still has makeup, massage the face and rinse with water. Then apply NK Age-Reverse Cleanser again and leave it for a while before rinsing it.

After using the NK Age-Reverse Cleanser for 3 days, my skin broke out. Why can it be like this?

Acne is caused by several factors:

  1. Hormonal changes, especially before periods
  2. Dirt accumulates in the pores causing inflammation and cause acne.

If we have previously used products that can cause clogged pores, using NK Age-Reverse Cleanser will clean and treat the problem. The active ingredients in NK Age-Reverse will speed up the metabolism of skin cells. Inflammation will come out faster and then the skin will improve and heal.

Continue using NK Age-Reverse Cleanser, NK Age-Reverse Serum, NK Age-Reverse Sunscreen, Energy Water Mist and Two-Way Cake powder

Is NK Age-Reverse Cleanser by safe for lips? My lips are peeling badly after using this cleanser to remove lipstick.

NK Age-Reverse Cleanser is safe to use all over the face including the lips and around the eyes. It is made from ingredients that are soft to the skin, and the surfactant used is also natural and mild, but effective in cleaning dirt and makeup.

Can I use another brand of sunscreen and moisturizer after using the NK Age-Reverse Cleanser?

Users are encouraged to use Energy Water Mist and NK Age-Reverse Sunscreen because, in this way, we can ensure the optimal effect of NK Age-Reverse on the skin. The ingredients used in the NK Age-Reverse formulation are guaranteed to be of high quality, effective and safe.


What are the benefits of Energy Water Mist?

Energy Water Mist acts as a moisturizer and refresher that will treat and beautify the skin. It will further highlight the effectiveness of the NK Age-Reverse Cleanser. It is made from natural ingredients especially Bee Venom, Essential Oil and Hyaluronic Acid.

Why does my skin feel sore after using Energy Mist (moisturizer)?

If you use it for the first time, it may sting a little if you have sensitive skin. It takes some time for the skin to adjust to the ingredients used. Do not worry because it is very safe and to avoid pain, you can spray just a little until the skin gets used to it.

My under eyes feel dry after using Energy Water Mist.

Energy Water Mist can be used all over the face including around the eyes to remove fine lines and dark circles under the eyes. However, if there are people with very sensitive skin, will feel dry/sore when using Energy Water Mist around the eyes. Can avoid and try to harmonize from time to time.

Does NK Age-Reverse plan to produce a cream for around the eyes?

There are NO plans for now because NK Age-Reverse Cleanser and Energy Water Mist can also be used around the eyes to remove fine lines and dark circles.

When is the best time to use Energy Water Mist?

Mist includes toner + moisturizer + primer + makeup setter. The best time to use:

  • After washing the face (when the skin is dry)
  • Whenever the skin feels dry
  • Before and after makeup

After spray the Energy Water Mist, my skin feels warm. I have no allergies and feel hot. Is there any reason?

There are two reasons for this situation:

i. The ingredients used in NK Age-Reverse and Energy Water Mist act on the skin, it causes a slightly hot/cold sensation (depending on how each person feels differently) for a few minutes.

ii. If someone has used whitening products before, it can cause the skin to become sensitive when switching to a new product.

The feeling will disappear and it is not harmful. Continue using NK Age-Reverse Cleanser and Energy Water Mist, over time the skin will be compatible with the natural ingredients used.


Can exposure to blue-light from computer screens and mobile phones cause freckles? If so, how to avoid this problem?

Expert studies show that blue light can cause all damage, including the production of freckles and skin wrinkles, and the destruction of cell nutrients.

In fact, it has more harmful effects than regular UV. The best way to avoid this problem is to use a physical (mineral) sunscreen that contains Zinc Oxide, which has an SPF in the range of 30. A very high SPF (50 and above) should be avoided because it can further damage the skin.

How to use UV Sunscreen correctly?

Put sunscreen on the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. Then apply evenly all over the face. Avoid applying in thick layers because it is not a foundation.

Can I use foundation after NK Age-Reverse Sunscreen?

The color we see in NK Age-Reverse sunscreen is a natural color (not foundation) that is colorless when apply to the skin. The best is to use Naturel Kiss Two-Way Cake powder which also can be used as a foundation.

Why do I feel that my skin is getting darker after using NK Age-Reverse Sunscreen?

NK Age-Reverse Sunscreen does not darken the skin. In fact, many customers say it brightens the skin. Maybe it looks dark because it’s a process to adapt to the skin.

You can apply NK Age-Reverse Sunscreen smoothly and evenly, not too thick. This is because too much sunscreen may cause the skin to overproduce oil. Oil can oxidize the skin layer and make the face look darker.

Should I use UV protection with a high SPF?

Many people think that the higher the SPF is the better. While the higher SPF can cause the skin to be exposed to UV light and can damage the skin. A good SPF is between 30-35 and is Broad Spectrum which also has PA++. NK Age-Reverse Sunscreen is Broad Spectrum (SPF 35, PA++)

Does NK Age-Reverse Sunscreen also use micellar technology?

NK Age-Reverse does not use nano micelle (micellar) technology but we use high-quality and premium ingredients such as carrot seed oil which is a natural UV barrier. NK Age-Reverse Sunscreen uses safe, broad-spectrum ingredients. And it also has a natural fragrance from essential oil and does not irritate the skin.


I once read an article where retinol is not good for nursing mothers and pregnant women. Is NK Age-Reverse Serum safe to use for those who are breastfeeding and pregnant?

Can and is safe to use because  NK Age-Reverse Serum does not enter the blood cells. Studies show that the daily tolerance of vitamin A for pregnant women is up to 10,000UI. NK Serum uses Vitamin A 2500UI/g. It is said that one day we use about 0.3g serum, which is equivalent to 750UI/g VA. And the maximum absorption rate of topical products is 20%, only 150UI VA is absorbed into the body and will be metabolized by dermis cells within a day. For information, the percentage of retinol in the serum is only 0.1% and it is not enough to harm the fetus.

Why is it that every time I use NK Age-Reverse Serum, my facial skin becomes sore and uncomfortable?

For anyone with sensitive skin and dry skin, this is a common thing to experience when using this NK Age-Reverse Serum that contains Retinol. They will find the skin to be slightly red, flaky, and irritated. NK Age-Serum uses Encapsulated Retinol and Cyncanchum Atratum herbs to reduce this uncomfortable feeling on your skin. The most effective way is, you need to prep your face with Energy Water Mist and let it absorb on your skin first, then apply the NK Age-Reverse Serum all over the face.

If the skin feels sore and red, you can alternate or thinly apply this serum according to comfort until the facial skin recovers.

Can my child use this NK Age-Reverse Serum? At what age can this serum be used?

As early as 11 years old can used NK Age-Reverse Serum and other products from NK Age-Reverse. This is because these products are based on natural ingredients and are safe to use.

How long does this NK Age-Reverse Serum last?

If the NK Age-Reverse Serum is used consistently, it can last up to 3 to 4 months.

Can I use this NK Age-Reverse Serum under the eyes? There are fine lines under my eyes. Will it hurt when we use it under the eyes?

Retinol is the most effective and scientifically proven anti-aging ingredient. One bottle of this NK Age-Reverse Serum can already cover one face including the eye area and does not require various types of retinol just apply thinly around the eyes.

Dermatologists have said that retinol is more effective as an eye cream than botox. It should be noted that not just any retinol can be placed under the eyes if it causes effects such as itching and redness because retinol itself is hard and has a high value on the skin. NK Age-Reverse Serum is safe to use around the eyes.

Why freckles that are fading, suddenly become dark again after wearing NK Age-Reverse Serum?

Freckles appear darker because the skin has become brighter. Not because the freckles are getting darker. The skin is brighter because of the effect of using NK Age-Reverse Serum.

The function of retinol in NK Age-Reverse can also brighten the skin and make the skin tone more even. However, the skin must always be protected from growing new freckles or prevent existing freckles from getting worse by using NK Age-Reverse Sunscreen consistently. It should be reminded to always re-apply sunscreen.

What are the benefits of NK Age-Reverse compared to serum from another brand?

These are the 5 benefits of NK Age-Reverse Serum that users must know and try:

1. Has optimal absorption.

  • Optimal absorption involves the release of nano-sized active ingredients that are encapsulated retinol and hyaluronate acid effectively into the skin.

2. Combination of three formulations (Retinol, BeauT-Complex™, and Cynanchum Atratum herb).

  • The symbiosis of these three formulations produces maximum and optimal response and absorption into the skin.

3. Mild and non-irritating

  • The very mild retinol content and addition of the Cynanchum Atratum herb make the facial skin non-irritating and all skin types can use it.
  • This NK serum will balance the water and sebum on the facial skin and this serum can be used in the morning (with the addition of NK Sunscreen) and at night.

4. Clinically proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

  • The skin will become moister, the elasticity of the skin is clearly felt and the texture of the skin will look more beautiful and smooth.

5. The brightness of the face increases.

  • Within a week you will find your face softer and more radiant.
  • This has been clinically proven when 95% of respondents who used this serum trial found their skin softer and healthier.


How to use NK Age-Reverse Scrub with the right way?

Squeeze the scrub in the palm of your hand and then apply the scrub to damp facial skin, massage gently in circular motions and rinse. Follow with NK Age-Reverse Cleanser. Use twice a week.


What type of skin is suitable for two types of two-way cake powder colors; Natural beige (code 02) and Fair DNA (code 01)?

Fair DNA powder (code 01) is suitable for fair-skinned people, while Natural Beige (02) is suitable for people with tanned skin.

My under eyes feel itchy and sore when I use Two-Way Cake powder. Can you tell me the causes?

Less than 1% of users will experience discomfort when using any NK product. You can avoid using powder under the eyes, and let the skin adapt first because sensitive skin needs some time to adapt.

My face is very freckled. If I don't use foundation, it will look very bad. Can you recommend a foundation that suitable for me to use?

Naturel Kiss Two-Way Cake comes with 2 method which is a foundation and compact powder. If you want thicker coverage, you can wet the sponge first (using the wet method). The wet powder will give an effect like using foundation and full coverage to cover the skin problem.